Beyond the invisible


GMP Innovation

Innovation, the engine that drives our constant growth, is fuelled by the intuition and expertise of the Research&Development department, where cutting-edge products and technologies are created.

AM Instruments is constantly increasing the resources it dedicates to these activities, aware that much of the company’s success depends on its ability to recognise and anticipate the needs of the market in which it operates.

We believe that it is of fundamental importance to present innovative ideas and solutions to the market every day. With their expertise and a proactive approach, everybody has a contribution to make towards this goal. Having a “proactive approach” means restructuring in terms of both technology and methodology and — above all — skills, so that the corporate system is capable of perceiving future changes and trends in advance, allowing it to plan the necessary steps in time.

The life sciences sector is subject to strict and constantly evolving regulatory requirements for the protection of public health and safety.

As suppliers to the pharmaceutical industry, our task is to identify high-quality solutions for contamination control based on new requirements.

Our products are designed and constructed with a special emphasis on risk analysis, with the aim of offering full operational safety in the cleanroom.

Zherox® Biodecontamination System

My&Clean+® Video

MyFog® Video

Zherox® Video